Thursday, September 1, 2011

Entering the home stretch

Well, here it is, September and I'm in South Korea. Technically, I've made it across Eurasia, which was my original goal. When I saw the Pacific Ocean (or Sea of Japan, close enough) I felt finished. My original plan was to go back to China from South Korea and head down south to Laos, Thailand, etc. on to Jakarta. But I've changed plans.

Instead, I'll be flying straight from South Korea to India. I know, this breaks my key rule of "no flying". If there's anything I've learned on this trip, it's that sticking to principles in the face of overwhelming logic to the contrary is dumb. Travelling through China by myself was exhausting. Achieving the smallest thing like finding the right bus was a monumental task. I want to resume my travels through China at some point, but not next week. I want to learn a little Chinese first and then do it.

Meanwhile, in India, I've got friends waiting and an entire sub-continent of craziness to explore. It will be so good to see some familiar faces after two months on my own (Bryn's was the last familiar face I saw back in June).

India will also be my last country before returning home, so that makes it the homestretch. Even though I'll be there for a while, so don't start baking welcome-cakes and grilling welcome-steaks quite yet.

This past week has been very busy. The Jeju swing camp was a success, even if the best night by FAR was not even a sanctioned event, but just a weekly dance held by the local Jeju club. I had some pretty late nights with those dancers, eating more dried squid, drinking rice wine and mocking my chop stick skills. Tuesday I arrived back on South Korea mainland in Busan and then took a train up to Daegu where I am right now. But later this afternoon I'm taking a train on to Gangneung up in the northeast. Hopefully I'll get to go see the border with North Korea some point this weekend.

I'm sorry for not posting more pictures - I really do have lots of good ones. Computer access is much more convenient in South Korea, but I've just been busy since I got here and haven't had time to sit down and load/label all my pictures. They'll come though, just be patient.

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